If your inventory has been deleted from Facebook, you should use this feature to remove dead links from your account. This process will NOT remove photos from Facebook. If you need to delete photos, you can learn more about deleting photos using PopItUp here.


You may have noticed that when you delete a photo album on Facebook, PopItUp still has links to those photos in your account even though they no longer exist on Facebook. Not only do these links start to pile-up on your Inventory and Orders pages, they can cause PopItUp to make invalid Facebook requests for those non-existent photos when you refresh sold comments or delete photos. This burns up your Facebook quota allotment and increases your chances of being thrown in Facebook jail. Facebook more aggressively flags these "invalid" requests, so avoiding them is good for staying off the radar.

Here's how:

Once albums are deleted on Facebook, you should use this page to clean up those links and avoid invalid Facebook requests. First select the group, then choose the albums individually or click "unlink all" to remove dead links.

What if albums are still live on Facebook?

If you have valid links in the group you have selected, they will show as red at the bottom of the clean-up page with their own controls. You can unlink photos from an active album—however you will lose the ability to delete or refresh sold comments for the item(s). This would be useful for a group where you won’t remain admin but you know the albums will be deleted soon. Warning: if someone claims an unlinked item, you will have a more difficult time determining where the claim came from unless you use a different service to collect comment data.