
Facebook password change
If you have changed your Facebook password recently, you may have trouble posting your photos and will receive an error that says: : 'post' error: [...
Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 at 11:32 AM
Where can I check for errors?
You can check for errors on your inventory page, under the manage tab. Next to where it shows the links, you may see a grey triangle error message.  If you ...
Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 at 12:02 PM
Should I create multiple PopItUp accounts to help out with Facebook posting?
You may have heard people suggesting that you should create multiple PopItUp accounts in order to get around restrictions with the number of items you can p...
Tue, 5 Sep, 2017 at 10:12 AM
Should I create multiple Facebook accounts to help out with POP Facebook posting?
You may have heard people suggesting that you should create multiple Facebook accounts to deal with Facebook posting issues.  This is good advice as long as...
Tue, 7 May, 2019 at 10:24 PM
Report PopItUp as "not spam" to Facebook
Facebook occasionally blocks PopItUp for "violation of community standards" even though that's not the case.  As PopItUp continues to grow thi...
Wed, 28 Mar, 2018 at 1:18 PM