To quickly post or schedule all of your inventory to Facebook, use the SmartPost feature. Navigate to SmartPost by clicking the inventory icon on the left sidebar menu and selecting SmartPost

*First you’ll want to be sure the blue Facebook connection shows the choice to “log out” (meaning that you are currently logged in). 

*Click the sync button to make sure everything is up to date. 

*Click Group and select the Facebook group you want to post to; you must be an administrator for the group to show up (moderator doesn’t work). 

FILTERS: Using filters is completely optional. If you want to just post all of your inventory, don't even bother with them. Filters allow you to control which types of inventory are posted using SmartPost. The filters use the logic of “include” or “exclude” attached to the attributes and values you select. The best way to become familiar with them is to try out different combinations and see how they work for your inventory. Once you get to the compute albums step here, you’ll be able to see the results and know which items are set to post based on your selections. Here’s an example:

Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser--Perhaps you’re running a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness and you want to post everything pink in your inventory. Type your attribute for color and the value pink, then select ‘include’. That means that in order to be posted, the item would have to have the attribute “color: pink”. Nothing else will show up to be posted.

Out of season--Your company may have released a special product line for Halloween, and while you’d be happy to sell it, you don’t really want to be posting Pumpkin Spice items all over your parties in May and June. So you’ll want to exclude those items. If they are labeled with attributes it’s easy to filter them out of your SmartPost. Just select the attribute and value associated with the items and choose ‘exclude’. Now anything that has that attribute attached will be removed from the SmartPost session, but will still be available in your inventory in case someone asks you for it.

Again, there are loads of handy ways to use your filters with attributes; you’ll need to experiment and find what helps you most. Once your filters are set and ready to go, the next step is telling POP where you’d like to send all your photos.


Creating the template text is helpful for matching albums. If you’re working in a group with albums established, you’ll want to follow the album’s format. For example, my Group’s albums post by color with the prices posted with albums like this: PINK ~ $25, RED ~ $25 So I would want to tell Smartpost to look for this format: {Color} ~ {price} in the template field. If SmartPost can’t find a match, it will offer to create a new album with the same format.

If you want to create your own new albums using PopItUp, you can use the template text to make naming them all a cinch. Pick an attribute or two to use and SmartPost will fill everything in for you. For example, you might pick {Color Family} to group like colors together or {Style} {price} to name the album after the style; you could use more than one attribute to create more albums like: {Style} {size} - {price} or {Product} {Color Family}. 

Ninja Knowledge: the attributes are case sensitive, so be sure to take note of how the attributes were created in inventory. It’s a great idea to always be consistent about your attribute capitalization. 


Once you’ve set the (optional) filters and the album name template, you’re ready to click the compute albums button. If your template matches albums in the group, you will see them autopopulate the the album selection with the best match and the background will be green. You should always double check the selections made by SmartPost. Any albums that need to be created will show up with the name field populated by the template in red. You will need to select a cover photo before they will post successfully.

You can check that the items you expect are set to post in the correct albums by clicking the preview link.

Once everything is verified, you can move on to type the message you want displayed in the photo caption and be sure to check the FORMATTING HELP if you aren’t sure about the replacement text options.
Ninja Knowledge: In the message field, be careful with your formatting. All of the replacement text options are case sensitive. If you type {url} it will be replaced with the claim link. If you type {URL} it will post the text: {URL} and your customers won’t have a link to claim in the photo caption.

*Click “Post to Facebook now” to get your party started, or you can set a date and time for your items to post later by clicking “Schedule for posting to Facebook later”.
Ninja Knowledge: The default time is always the last time you scheduled. This is helpful for scheduling multiple listings through manual posting, but be sure to double check that everything--including the date--is correct before you click post later.

You will see that the posted items all have links to the Facebook group, album, and the photo (once posted) in the Links column. Clicking these links takes you to Facebook where you can reply to sold comments and bump albums or photos to the wall.

You can watch video tutorials here:

As always, we are just an email or chat away if you have questions.